You’ve seen the thin and lean models for years on the covers of magazines, strutting down the runway and on television. For almost a century these women have been fasting, dieting and being air brushed constantly to conform to the idea of beauty defined by Western culture.
However, that idea of beauty is changing. Thanks to the likes of Adele, Chrissy Metz and Ashley Graham, just to name a few. They are full figured, curvaceous and beautiful and the fashion market has noticed. No longer do young women aspire to only emulate the women that have traditionally been admired for their almost unobtainable body type. Women that are full figured and confident are becoming prominent as you open fashion magazines and turn on the television.
This has inspired a new influx of gorgeous women to try their hand at modeling. Torrid has embraced this segment of women and markets to women in the size 10 to 30 range that want to look and feel their best in clothing that suits their personality.
You want a piece of the action. Beauty and ambition flow out of you. You too, can become a model. Torrid is a great company to strive for. Take that ambition and make it happen!

What contitutes a plus sized model?
Plus sized modeling is a highly competetive market as many women have realized they don’t have to conform to the societal standards of yesteryear.
In the United States, female plus-size models are generally size 12 and up, weigh between 161 and 205 pounds, and have a chest size of 41 to 45 inches. Plus-size models are used for plus sized clothing, designer’s campaigns and other products and services that look to advertise to this segment of consumers. Plus-size models are also used in other campaigns that don’t target this audience. Therefore, the sky is the limit as to how successful a plus-size model can be.
Torrid is just one brand that you may wish to target in your quest to becoming a super model. As a spin-off of Hot Topic, Torrid quickly became a go-to for plus size women when searching for clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry and beauty products. Therefore, it is s great brand to represent whether you are a seasoned model or are just starting out.
How should I structure my portfolio to attract the Torrid brand?
If you don’t already have a portfolio, it is essential to have professional photographs in order to be seen as a serious and qualified model. Partner with a professional photographer that knows their craft. Consider showcasing some of Torrid’s clothing and accessories. Take photos that highlight your style and personality. Your photographer can help you with location scouting, posing and wardrobe choices.
You must also include some photos of yourself in a natural way. No makeup, hair pulled back and no smile. Include full body photos as well as profile photos. This will help agencies and brands to see how clothing will fit your body type.
Should I go with an agency that is known to promote full figured models?
Choosing an agency that has experience promoting plus-sized models is an ideal situation. In order to get noticed by brands like Torrid, it’s important to work with the right agency. Gaining exclusive representation from a reputable plus size agency is key to your success in modeling.
These agencies are looking for models that have the right body type in order to fit into the guidelines that most plus-size agencies look for. Agencies will be looking for models that are size 12-14 for print media and up to size 22 for runway modeling. Torrid also looks for models that are within this range. They will also be looking for models that are in the taller range of 5-9′ or above with waist sizes that are generally ten inches smaller than the hip size. Think “hourglass” figure. This embodies what most brands like Torrid are searching for.
IPM Model Management
IPM is an agency that has been working exclusively with plus size models since 2000. This agency is a boutique agency. They will help you manage your modeling career from A to Z., receiving guidance along the way. Visit their website and send in your credentials. Don’t forget to follow up with a phone call.
Wilhelmina Curve
You have heard of the success of Wilhelmina and the talent they have been producing since 1967. Now, there is a separate division that works exclusively for its plus sized models. Representing the likes of supermodels like Bree Lish and Erica Jean, Wilhelmina has proven that they can lead plus size models to the same successes that mainstream models have enjoyed. Go to their website and follow the directions to apply. Ensure that you mention your desire to model for Torrid so that your agent can target casting calls and go-sees for the brand.
Next Model Management
Next has a Curves division that is credited with finding success for many plus size models. Abby Ries is one of many that has been gracing the cover of magazines and print ads. You can follow in her footsteps with some help from Next Model Management. Apply online through their website.
How should I promote my social media channels?
Social media is one of the best ways to get noticed in the modeling industry. Every agency and brand you come into contact with will be doing their homework. Torrid will be no different, They will be scouring the internet to see how you represent yourself. This means they will be looking at all of your social media platforms. Companies have to ensure there isn’t anything that would be considered negative or risky when taking you on.
Ensure all of your platforms are cleaned up and represent the best parts of you. Consider starting a social that is exclusively for modeling and shows you having fun and representing yourself wearing Torrid clothing.
If you follow some of the above tips, have drive and ambition and are a persistent business woman, chances are excellent you will be able to achieve your dreams of becoming a model for Torrid.