The plus size model industry has been growing rapidly over the last few years, and many new models are wondering how to become a plus size model. There are a few tips and tricks we can give you to set you on the right path to becoming a model quickly.
How To Become A Plus Size Model
As a plus size model your strategy to get signed should be a little different than other models. The plus size model industry is rather new compared to other types of modeling, so this will give you a big advantage. Many agencies are currently actively looking for new plus size models, which is great news for you.

Seek A Plus Size Model Agency
The best way to become a plus size model is to sign with a modeling agency that has a plus size model division. Some modeling agencies that handle plus size models will not have height requirements for plus size models, making it easier to get started. Plus size modeling usually starts at age 18 and focuses on commercial print modeling, but recently their is also an increased focus on plus size runway modeling.
Many models don’t know it, but there are agencies specifically for plus size models that specialize in managing curve and plus size models. We’ve put together a list of the top 18 plus size modeling agencies here.
Not only will a plus size modeling agency know what to look for in a model, they’ll have a better client list and will be more focused on getting you jobs. If you are a plus size model we highly recommend seeking out an agency that will specialize in your niche.
Getting signed to an agency isn’t as easy as just walking through the door though, you’ll need to be prepared to impress them with your professionalism and work ethic, along with having a look that they think is marketable.
Make Sure You Meet The Agency Requirements
On the application page for any modeling agency they will list the height and experience requirements if any exist. The height requirement for plus size modeling is usually 5’8″, but there are agencies with no height requirement, so check our list to see which you qualify for.
Present Yourself As A Professional Model
Modeling agencies make money off of commissions they receive when you book a paying job. They will need to spend a considerable amount of time and money up front to work with you and promote you before they ever get anything in return. To be considered you need to demonstrate to them that they are not wasting their time by working with you. The easiest way to show them that you are worth the effort is to always be professional. You should look professional both in your online presence and personally when you show up to meetings or events. If your social media profiles give off a vibe from when you created them many years ago in your younger years, it might be time to clean those up a bit.
Have Proper Modeling Pictures
You won’t need to spend money on a professional photographer, but you will need something to present to modeling agencies. Luckily, they really want to see the real you, without makeup or editing. You should take some pictures that are with minimal makeup and hair products while wearing clothing that you would wear to an audition. If you aren’t sure what you need to wear, we’ve got a list of everything a model needs in their bag, including audition clothing.
Work On Your Walk, Smile, and Poses
All of this preparation is great, but without some basic skills you won’t get very far. It is important to understand that you need to be able to smile, pose and walk to be a model. If you need help in these areas you are in luck, we’ve got lots of tutorials on how to walk and how to pose both here and on our YouTube Channel. Spend some time before your auditions to brush up on these skills. You don’t have to be perfect, because an agency will work with you, but you need to show that you’ve a least got a small level of skill.
Keep A Positive Attitude
It can take time to break into the world of plus size modeling so the most important quality you need to posses is a positive attitude. You’ll likely need to apply several times, but if you don’t give up you’ll eventually find the perfect match in an agency who wants to sign you and can get you auditions for your dream modeling jobs.
The Basics of Being a Plus Size Model
There are a few practical items you might be interested in knowing on your way to becoming a plus size model. Here are things we’ve learned from all of the models we’ve worked with over the years.

How Much Money Do Plus Size Models Make
In the United States the average full time plus size model makes about $40,000. The most elite plus size models make well over $250,000 per year and beginning plus size models can expect to make $25,000 per year if working a consistent schedule.
How Big Do You Need To Be To Be A Plus Size Model
To qualify as a plus size model you’ll need to be size 12 or higher. Most plus size models fall into the range of size 12-18 in the United States. If you are outside this range you can still apply though, as exceptions are made and the range isn’t as strict as a height requirement would be. If you poses the right look, they will cast you for the role.
Can You Model If You Are Really Overweight
Because most plus size models are size 12-18 it is unusual to be hired as a model if you are really overweight. Most plus size models would not be considered obese by standards in the United States and agencies usually look for models on the smaller end of the scale. It is very rare for someone who is extremely overweight to be an elite plus size model.
Is There Demand For Plus Size Models
In the last 3 years the demand for plus size models has skyrocketed and reached new heights. Plus size models have never been in higher demand, so it is the perfect time to find a plus size modeling agency to represent you. Demand for plus size models is only expected to increase in the coming years as the modeling and advertising industries shift towards using models that depict what the average person looks and feels like.
How To Be A Plus Size Influencer
There is a great need for plus size influencers, so if you have a strong social media following on Instagram, YouTube or TikTok you should apply to some influencer programs. We’ve written complete guides on how to be an influencer with top brands like Shein, so if influencing is your thing, check out our guides.