Male models will need to work on their ramp walk before auditioning for a fashion show or with a modeling agency. With this male model ramp walk tutorial your ramp walk will go from beginner to modeling audition ready. As with any other discipline in modeling, practice is the most important aspect of your training.
Basic Male Model Ramp Walk
During the basic male model ramp walk your head should be up and looking forward at all times. Men should not need to look down while walking, and avoid the urge to look to the side or into the crowd.
Your arms and hands should hang and swing naturally, without any large exaggerated movements.
Your facial expression during a ramp walk should be serious and professional, without much expression unless instructed to do so by your show designer.
During the basic walk you won’t need to add any turns. Your designer and fashion show director will let you know if turns are required for each walk.
At the end of the runway you can do a simple pose by standing with your feet about shoulder width apart and shifting your weight from side to side 3 times. Then simply turn around and walk back.
Whatever the case may be, follow the instructions of the staff, as showcasing the clothing the way they want it done is the best way to get invited back and further your career.
It is important to remember that the fashion show is not about the models, but about the clothing. If you make the clothing stand out, you’ll stand out as well.
Add a Backpedal to Your Ramp Walk
Once you’ve mastered the basic walk, you should add a backpedal to your walk. This move is helpful on longer runways where you have room to walk without fear of running into other models. In a tight space you shouldn’t do this move.
To do a backpedal, after your pose, just take three steps backwards before you turn back to walk. The move should be fluid and seen as one continuous effort. As you are turning it is a good idea to look back at the front of the runway to give photographers one last chance to snap a picture of you and your clothing.

Mid Point Pose
On long stages with lots room you’ll be asked to stop at the mid point of your ramp walk. At the mid point you can do a quick pose where you just shift your weight from side to side and then keep moving forward. You may be instructed to do a turn here as well. We prefer our male models to do two half turns at the mid point instead of one full turn as it looks better in most situations.
Doing two half turns also gives more chances for the audience to see the clothing as it will be done slower.
When you attempt to do a full turn in one motion during your ramp walk you should put your weight on the ball of your foot while you spin and turn. The only way to get better at this is with a lot of practice.
Walking on a T Shaped Stage
Some stages in the modeling world are shaped like a T. There is a long narrow runway with another perpendicular runway at the end. On this type of stage you’ll be asked to pose in three different locations. You’ll pose in the middle and on both ends.
When you are on a T shaped stage you will be posing for different people in the crowd, so we like our models to play to the crowd a little more during this type of show. The reason the stage is shaped like a T is so the crowd can have more interaction.
Be sure to vary your poses on your ramp walk for this type of show, because if you do the same poses at all three spots it will look repetitive.
An easy way to change your poses is just to change your hand positioning. If you put your hands in your pockets for one pose, cross your arms for the next and then put your hands on your waist for the last pose.
Tips For The Male Ramp Walk
- Watch your speed
- Maintain your form for the length of the stage
- Don’t over exaggerate your movements
- Keep a serious face
- Add a backpedal
- Use your accessories
- Vary your hand placement
- Know when to play to the crowd
Most new models walk too fast on their first time in a fashion show. If it is your first time check your speed or you’ll end up running into or getting too close to the other models. This will look very unprofessional. Give yourself and the clothes you are wearing proper time on the stage.
The other big mistake first time models make is to break form on the way back from the front of the stage. You are on display and being watched until you exit the stage and are totally backstage. Pretend the entire crowd is watching you until you are backstage.
Never focus on the crowd. They’ll be focusing on you, so don’t worry about who is there or what they are looking at.