Our own casting directors share their tips for models at an audition. What will impress them and what make them want to pass a model over, find out in this modeling audition article.
Social Media Accounts
One of the first things you need to do before submitting to a modeling agency is to clean up your social media accounts. If you have things on there that are inappropriate, or borderline, or don’t have anything to do with modeling you should remove them.
You could also make a separate account for your modeling and one for your personal life, but rest assured that every agency will find both accounts, so they still both need to be clean.
When an agency signs a model, they are making an investment in the model, so you want to show them upfront that you will be a good investment. Don’t think in terms of what you friends will want to see on your account, but what an agency would want to see on your account.
If your social media accounts, especially Instagram, are private, set them to public. No agency will take the time to wait for you to accept their request, they will simply move on to the next person.
We’ve run across several models we would have interest in, but couldn’t look further into because their accounts were private.
Wear Proper Modeling Audition Clothes
Models should show up to an audition wearing all black and heels. Females should wear black leggins and a black shirt with heels and males should wear a black shirt and pants.
During the audition, wildly colored clothing can take the focus off of you and your features, and the casting directors will want to easily be able to make judgements and not be distracted by clothing.
Black clothing will also signal that you are professional and are taking the audition seriously.
You don’t have to wear your heels into the building, you could put them on once you arrive to the modeling audition. Bring heels that you’ve broken in and have plenty of experience posing and walking in. You’ll likely be asked to do a few runway walks during your audition.

Bring Your Comp Card
Models should plan to bring a professionally printed Comp Card to their modeling audition. It should not be something you’ve printed out at home, this will make it look you are not taking things seriously. Your pictures should be professional and it should list all of your stats and contact information.
Be Prepared To Walk and Pose At Your Modeling Audition
You will likely be asked to both walk and pose during an audition. If you are a skilled model, don’t be afraid to show off what you can do. Conversely, if you have little experience, let them know the areas you are still improving in, they should be able to judge your potential based on where you are at your age and experience level.
Not having experience is not a problem for us when we scout models, if we see untapped potential in the model.
Wear Light Makeup
Casting directors want to see your natural look so wear light makeup to your modeling audition. They are skilled enough to know what you’ll look like with different types of makeup, and may have some ideas for you that you haven’t thought of.
Wearing heavy makeup will make it harder for them to judge your potential and find places where you could be used in the modeling industry.
Don’t Compare Yourself To Other Models
There is no need for you to compare yourself to other models at the audition. You’ll probably have no idea what the casting directors are actually looking for, so it is pointless to try to figure out if someone is better than you or not. Often times a part comes down to something you don’t have control over anyway.
If they are casting for an commercial print photo shoot and the other models picked are 5’5″, they’ll want someone else in that height range. You might go into the audition thinking I’m not tall enough, or I’m too tall, but in reality, you can’t know what they are looking for, so just be yourself.
Be On Time To Your Audition
If you are late to your audition, you have almost no chance of being selected. Agencies are looking foremost for people they can depend on, and showing up late to the audition is a big strike against that. You may run the risk of not even being seen, but even if you are, you will likely not be picked if you are late.
Share Your Experience
Be prepared to talk about your modeling experience at the casting and let the casting directors know exactly what you’ve done, and can do for them. Practice this at home so you can explain in a succinct manner what your skill, qualifications, and experience are without needing to check notes or ramble on.
It is fine to apply even if you don’t have experience, if the audition details don’t say you need certain qualifications. Sometimes modeling agencies are looking for people to mold and shape, so you could be just the person they are looking for.